
PCI - DSS 4.0 Explained

A Practical Guide to the Latest Standards

March 21, 2024

8:00 pm PT | 11:00 pm ET

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Join our webinar with Richard Bird and Dr. Katie Paxton-Fear for an informative discussion on the PCI-DSS 4.0 update. We’ll break down the key updates, highlighting the shift towards continuous security monitoring, the significance of removing sampling in compliance testing, the requirement for automated technical solutions for web-based attacks, and updated strategies to address evolving cybersecurity threats.

We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Continuous Security Evolution: Transitioning from periodic checks to continuous monitoring for enhanced security.
  • Applying New Technologies in Compliance: Understanding how the latest technology changes support compliance under PCI-DSS 4.0.
  • New Compliance Dynamics: Navigating the expanded requirements for authentication and updated password management.
  • Hacker Insights on PCI-DSS 4.0: Analyzing new security risks and strategies for effective mitigation.
  • Preparing for Future Security Challenges: Proactive steps and strategies to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving security environment.

This webinar aims to demystify the PCI-DSS 4.0 update, offering clear insights and actionable advice for effectively navigating these changes.


Dr. Katie Paxton-Fear

Ethical Hacker


Richard Bird

