Security and Compliance

Traceable AI invests in ensuring that we comply with the industry’s most critical certifications and compliance regulations. Security and compliance certifications are validated by independent, third-party auditors that certify and document Traceable AI’s commitment to security.

External auditors conduct rigorous reviews of the company’s technical environment to evaluate that there are proper security controls and safeguards in place.

Security and Compliance Certifications

SOC 2 Type 1

Traceable’s operational processes are SOC 2 Type 1 compliant. An independent auditor has verified and documented that Traceable’s internal controls comply with the requirements specified in Service Organizational Controls (SOC) 2 standard.

SOC 2 Type 2

Traceable’s operational processes are SOC 2 Type 2 compliant. An independent auditor has verified and documented that Traceable’s internal controls comply with the requirements specified in Service Organizational Controls (SOC) 2 standard.

API Security Resources


Traceable Platform Overview


API Protection Datasheet


The Definitive Guide to API Sprawl


Hear from Customers Just Like you
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Traceable empowers security teams and engineers to see their attack surface, to better understand traffic through some very powerful searching capabilities that are right in the Traceable UI and attribute traffic to certain user accounts.

Randy Gingeleski, Senior Security Engineer, Bullish

Traceable provides us with an understanding of which problems we need to focus on, which is extremely valuable. We don't need to waste engineering time trying to figure out problems that don't pose an actual threat.

Sudipta Ghose, Vice President of Engineering, Jobvite

"With Traceable, we are able to detect and respond to breaches in the shortest possible time. For us, it was important to have continuous visibility into the APIs, identify root cause, and remediate those issues."

Pathik Patel, Head of Cloud Security, Informatica

Learn more in our upcoming webinar on AI and APIs