Introducing Traceable's Digital Fraud Prevention: A New Frontier in API Security

Team Traceable
August 2, 2023

Introducing Traceable's Digital Fraud Prevention: A New Frontier in API Security

At Traceable, we continually push the boundaries of innovation. Today, we're thrilled to announce the latest development in our mission to provide robust security to businesses worldwide - the launch of our Digital Fraud Prevention capabilities.With the increasing reliance on APIs in today's digital landscape, it's no surprise that these digital gateways have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Not only are APIs integral for providing dynamic, user-friendly experiences, but they also serve as a conduit for data flow between systems, making them a lucrative target for cyber criminals.Recognizing this growing threat, we've expanded our leading API security platform to combat digital fraud effectively. Our new Digital Fraud Prevention solution marries the power of AI and behavioral analytics, delivering a unique, comprehensive defense mechanism against fraudulent activities.

What is Traceable's Digital Fraud Prevention solution?

Traceable's Digital Fraud Prevention solution is a pioneering approach to protecting businesses against fraudulent activities across APIs and digital interfaces. The capability leverages advanced technologies and unique methods to detect, prevent, and combat digital fraud. At its core, the solution employs a combination of API security measures, behavioral analytics, and advanced graph machine learning to deeply understand fraud patterns and activities.

The key differentiator for Traceable's Digital Fraud Prevention is its ability to analyze and correlate users and their behavior across time and across all application transactions , thereby creating a unique 'fingerprint' for each user's API interactions. This level of broad and deep correlation enables a high degree of precision in predicting and preventing digital fraud.

Furthermore, by leveraging advanced Graph Machine Learning technologies, Traceable goes beyond individual threat detection and provides a holistic view of fraud rings, uncovering hidden correlations across different dimensions. This continuous learning and evolving approach provides dynamic, proactive anomaly detection and anticipates threats, rather than simply responding to them, thus delivering superior protection.

Redefining Fraud Prevention

Traditionally, fraud protection has been considered a separate entity from cybersecurity. However, in the era of digital transformation and an ever-evolving threat landscape, this approach no longer suffices. By integrating advanced fraud prevention capabilities within our API security platform, we offer an in-depth, holistic, and adaptive approach to fraud prevention.Our solution understands user behavior down to the smallest details, creating a unique 'fingerprint' for each user's identity, API call sequence, and sensitive data transmitted via API. By recognizing individual patterns and behaviors, we can enhance the precision of threat detection and prevention.

Download the solutions brief to learn more:

Traceable’s Latest Innovation is a Significant Leap in Digital Fraud Mitigation:

Traceable deeply understands users and their behavior down to the minute details, constructing a unique 'fingerprint' from each user's identity, APIs’ call sequence, and sensitive data transmitted via API. This ability to recognize individual digital access, patterns, and behaviors, for users and entities, deepens the precision of threat and fraud prevention.ML-powered Threat and Fraud Prevention: Traceable uses advanced Graph Machine Learning technologies like High-Dimensional Community Clustering and Graph Neural Networks to go beyond individual threat detection. By unveiling hidden correlations across different dimensions - including endpoint, network, applications and APIs - Traceable provides a holistic view of 'fraud rings', showcasing how an attack is distributed, organized, and evolves over time. The usage of APIs as the common communication medium for modern apps allows Traceable to use a single platform to detect threats and fraudulent behavior - a unique capability in the industry. This unique insight improves threat detection and response capabilities, empowering security teams to take decisive action against advanced threats and automate prevention.


Unique User and Entity Profiling: Using sophisticated API activity-based user behavior profiling, the system extracts both temporal and spatial patterns from each user's API call sequence to create a unique 'fingerprint' identifier that goes beyond traditional profiling methods and encompasses each user's individual habits, patterns, and behaviors.As a result, it significantly enhances the precision of threat detection and makes it possible to spot anomalous behavior that deviates from established user behavior patterns. By correlating across individual user “fingerprints”, Traceable can recognize broader, holistic patterns reflecting coordinated attacks orchestrated by entities such as fraud rings.


Proactive Anomaly Detection: By leveraging these unique 'fingerprints', Traceable can actively detect and uncover anomalies in user behavior, allowing organizations to act swiftly in mitigating potential threats before they can cause damage. Traceable continuously learns from each interaction, enhancing its precision over time, providing real-time defense against advanced persistent threats. Furthermore, Traceable can detect dormant accounts that cyber criminals intend to use and block them in-line or out of band early in the fraud activation.


Integrations with Leading Security Platforms: Traceable's Digital Fraud Prevention seamlessly integrates with leading platforms like Imperva, AWS, Cloudflare WAF, and Descope. These integrations enrich organizations' existing security frameworks, strengthening API threat protection, fraud prevention, and enhancing data security within their infrastructure.

Learn More about Our Latest Capabilities

To understand more about how our Digital Fraud Prevention solution can secure your business, we've put together a detailed solutions brief. It provides a comprehensive overview of the solution, its unique capabilities, and how it can benefit your organization.Gain insights into how API security, coupled with behavioral analytics, is the next frontier to predict, prevent, and protect against digital fraud.

About Traceable

Traceable is the industry’s leading API Security company that helps organizations achieve API protection in a cloud-first, API-driven world. With an API Data Lake at the core of the platform, Traceable is the only intelligent and context-aware solution that powers complete API security – security posture management, threat protection and threat management across the entire Software Development Lifecycle – enabling organizations to minimize risk and maximize the value that APIs bring to their customers. To learn more about how API security can help your business, book a demo with a security expert.

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