Traceable AI Software Release - Fall 2021 Update

Dan Gordon
September 23, 2021

At Traceable, we’ve been keeping very busy in the last couple of months. During this time, we launched a number of exciting new offerings and key features with the continued aim to help our customers to have the best API Security solution in the industry.

Enhancements to In-App Protection

We’ve made enhancements to our In-app protection that leads to fewer false-positives and make it much easier to detect security events.

Key Highlights:

  • Blocked events log & analysis in the UI
  • Weekly security report
  • Custom rules & signature definitions
  • Flexible false-positive exclusion workflow
  • Monitored users highlights

API Intelligence Dashboard

New enhancements to API Intelligence Dashboard enable Developers and DevOps to visualize the risks to their APIs and applications and prioritize what needs to be fixed first.

Key Highlights:

  • New API Intelligence dashboard is available
  • Summarized view of API endpoints based on call volume and risk scores

API Intelligence Dashboard

API Intelligence Dashboard

API Protection Enhancements

We’ve made some new API protection enhancements that allow customers to view blocked events in the UI to visualize how configured security rules are being implemented in your Traceable deployment. Customers can then investigate vulnerabilities and enable additional tuning of rules to get the desired security enforcement.

Key Highlights:

  • Blocked events UI
  • User session API flow within security event screen

API Discovery and Risk

Building upon our data flow tracing capabilities, we can allow customers to identify APIs that handle specific types of sensitive data, especially when they are not supposed to have access.

Key Highlights:

  • API filtering based on sensitive data types

Custom Alerting

Customers can customize alerting on key activities about critical security events so that remedial actions can be taken as required.

Key Highlights:
Traceable will alert you on several key activities:

  • Blocked Event
  • Threat Actor activity
  • Security event detection

Custom Notification

Custom Notification

Sensitive Data Redaction

Customers can now enable new additional security rules for our sensitive data redaction feature. Customers that have serious privacy concerns about the exposure of sensitive data that is sent to the Traceable AI platform can redact, obfuscate based on a variety of granular filters.

Key Highlights:

  • Customer-specific redaction rules
  • Multiple match criteria - header, key, value, etc
  • Actions tailored to customer-specific privacy requirements

Sensitive Data Redaction

Sensitive Data Redaction

Agent Inventory

Customers can obtain a complete inventory of all your tracing agents on the Traceable Platform. This helps you to better manage your agent inventory that can include making decisions on upgrades, understanding that agent status, and enabling easier troubleshooting if issues do arise.

Key Highlights:

  • Complete Traceable Platform Agent and tracing agents inventory
  • Platform Agent which maps to Hosts
  • Tracing agent which maps to Services
  • Versions, environment, and health status of each agent

Agent Inventory

Agent Inventory
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