Report Recap: A Glimpse into NTT's 2023 Global Threat Intelligence Report

Jessica Marie
October 10, 2023

Report Recap: A Glimpse into NTT's 2023 Global Threat Intelligence Report

In the spirit of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it is pivotal to delve into the intricacies of the digital threats that permeate our interconnected world. This month serves as a stark reminder of the collective responsibility we bear to ensure the safety and security of our digital frontier. The NTT Global Threat Intelligence Report 2023, laden with insights and data, provides a timely resource, enabling us to navigate, understand, and ultimately safeguard against the myriad of cyberthreats that persistently loom over the digital realm.The report, rich with data and insights, doesn’t merely present statistics; it tells a story of a year where the digital world witnessed an escalation in politically motivated responses, major incidents impacting critical infrastructure, and a sharpened focus on government responses to cyberthreats through new agencies or legislation.The foreword, penned by Gregory Garten, CTO of NTT Security Holdings, sets the stage by highlighting the pivotal role of cybersecurity in an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace and our world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Garten, with his extensive experience spanning over a decade at NTT, where he has concentrated on engineering and product development of cybersecurity platforms, products, and services, emphasizes the necessity of not only keeping pace with but staying ahead of malicious actors in the cybersecurity space.Diving into the report, one is met with a stark realization of the tangible impact of cyberthreats on our daily lives and local levels. The narrative underscores a blurred line between cyberthreats and their physical consequences, bringing to light instances where cyberattacks on power grids could cascade into widespread blackouts, and breaches in supply chains could disrupt the delivery of essential goods and services.In 2022, the cyber risk to critical infrastructure and supply chains was not just a theoretical threat but a palpable concern for businesses, organizations, and governments worldwide. The report meticulously details how cyberthreats to critical infrastructure and supply chains emanated from a myriad of sources, including nation-state actors, organized crime groups, and individual hackers, each with potentially devastating and far-reaching consequences, ranging from ransomware attacks and data breaches to operational disruptions and even physical damage.The narrative further unfolds, revealing the top five most-attacked sectors, which include Technology, Manufacturing, Education, Public Sector, and Transport/Distribution. These sectors, integral to the infrastructure and supply aspects of our daily lives, remained high-value targets for cybercriminals. A notable shift was observed in the Public sector, which climbed from the sixth position in 2021 to the fourth in 2022, a movement attributed to the escalating geopolitical climate.

Final Thoughts: Navigating the Intricacies of Third-Party Vendors and API Security

In the concluding remarks of the NTT Global Threat Intelligence Report 2023, a poignant emphasis is placed on the security of third-party vendors and APIs, highlighting a critical aspect of cybersecurity that often becomes a linchpin for large-scale and significant breaches. The report underscores a future where the interconnectedness of companies and industries, especially those related to one another, becomes a potential vulnerability, paving the way for cybercriminals to exploit these connections.

  • Shared Vendors and Hosting Providers: These entities are increasingly targeted, with the hope that they can be used as conduits to target their customers, making them valuable assets to facilitate supply chain attacks.
  • Strategic Challenge: The security of third-party vendors and APIs is not merely a technical challenge but a strategic one, necessitating organizations to be cognizant of the risks that their digital partners might inadvertently introduce into their ecosystems.

The report elucidates that the security of third-party vendors and APIs is not merely a technical challenge but a strategic one, where organizations need to be cognizant of the risks that their digital partners might inadvertently introduce into their ecosystems. It is not merely the organization’s own cybersecurity practices that come into play but also the practices of their partners, vendors, and associated entities.In a world where digital ecosystems are becoming increasingly intertwined, the security of one becomes the security of all. The report, therefore, advocates for a holistic approach to cybersecurity, where organizations not only safeguard their own digital assets and infrastructures but also ensure that their partners, vendors, and third parties adhere to similarly robust cybersecurity practices.

Moving Forward with Cybersecurity Insights

In conclusion, the NTT Global Threat Intelligence Report 2023 serves not just as a document but as a guide, enabling business and technical leaders to navigate through the complex cybersecurity landscape by planning and executing robust security strategies. It advocates for a future where, by safeguarding our digital landscapes, we contribute to forging a connected future that is secure and beneficial for all of society.

About Traceable

Traceable is the industry’s leading API Security company that helps organizations achieve API protection in a cloud-first, API-driven world. With an API Data Lake at the core of the platform, Traceable is the only intelligent and context-aware solution that powers complete API security – security posture management, threat protection and threat management across the entire Software Development Lifecycle – enabling organizations to minimize risk and maximize the value that APIs bring to their customers. To learn more about how API security can help your business, book a demo with a security expert.

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